Dead Island Co-Op w/ Kootra, Nova, Ssohpkc, and Sp00n Part 22


Don’t forget to leave a Like and such guys! Click here for the Dead Island Playlist: Seamus, James, Sp00n, and myself play the Dead Island Co-Op. The game is actually pretty stable for being a 4 player game, which surprised me. Creature Cats. Nova: Sp00n: ssohpkc:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Remember to send over a like and such, it helps the cats hunting for the Jackal…..he is clever. Here I am playing through Farcry 2 in preparation for Farcry 3. I have played through this game at least 10 times on xbox, including Infamous difficulty. So this should be good.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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48 комментариев на “Dead Island Co-Op w/ Kootra, Nova, Ssohpkc, and Sp00n Part 22”

  1. DaLatinKnight:

    If you guys are wondering what happened to nova check out his dead island video #19. It is hilarious 🙂

  2. Tobijane1:

    the glitchy is soo awseoome i fail trying it

  3. iAmRambozzz:

    i doont want to be mean but KOOTRA LEARN HOW TO DRIVE!!!!! *no offense*

  4. oisinrood:

    awesome glitch :O

  5. tyler fuhr:

    kootra: im driving runs to workbench

  6. MrUrbackup:

    OMG! Very cool glitch there!

  7. jael880:

    Man I want to get dead island

  8. codebreaker5926:

    No =]

  9. VainerNate000:

    UMAD fanboy? Go back to suckling your daddy’s balls ok.

  10. codebreaker5926:

    Dont watch then troll

  11. VainerNate000:

    Kootra is so fucking stupid in this series.

  12. michielenjasper:


  13. ScottyDoezntKnow:

    «Oh look, they’re tryin’ to parkour there way up… OH MAN!!»


  14. FlamingHomelessDude:

    now I go sleep

  15. MegaBlacklance:

    this so funny lol

  16. flameguard9:


  17. SuperManisha1:

    8:07-8:12 That really made me laugh!

  18. NinthDementionGamers:

    «oh look they are trying to parkour their way up OH SHIT » it happend to me but i didnt see the zambie and i got chucked off the roof as a lvl 4 (i was in a friends game)

  19. baymex12:

    dad; i loooove you girl: fuck you dad and give me a weapon

  20. Go24How2:


  21. yOmOmAhH:

    i shat myself

  22. TheGodfather9876:

    if you all watch novas part right when he left its funny as hell!

  23. superrobotdentist:

    6:21 tommorow i’ll @#$&

  24. jelloegg:

    I started cracking up @ 15:23

  25. TheSilverArrow001:

    Nova: Hold the throw button.
    Everyone holds their arms up to throw then laugh XD LOL btw loving the series

  26. joe090309:

    Fps go fuck your self look at the fucking name you dumb fuck


    which of the 3 billion trolls are you?

  28. domanddev:

    u need to get better at trolling

  29. FPSGaMinGx2:

    Which Call of Duty is this?

  30. LEZGU6:

    he uses the shotgun OMG i have this game and tje shotgun is one of the worst weapons for me

  31. silverbull23:

    i just bought this game after watching the playthrough and i am officially addicted to it.

  32. TrumanHill:

    Great series

  33. raviel12345:

    So what you’re telling me is that if I weld down that bolt in a car, then the car would be indestructeble and totally unstoppable…

  34. SnitchKillers:

    Apparently he liked your pun 0:56

  35. WHyIiiCo0LI:

    With kootra playing this game its like a action movie!

  36. THS1537:

    I’ll bet anyone $0 that Kootra is wearing a hat while recording this.

    Heh. $0. I’m clever.

  37. PrototypeOfZEUS:

    This is the way back! *crashes into a rock*

  38. mafiaman1923:

    you can quick save!!!

  39. Piggynom:

    he said he would at the beggining of the series

  40. Loyoism:

    I hope Kootra does Far Cry 3 when it comes out.

  41. AshTimlin01:

    Oh bugger, yeah 01:42…my bad lol
    thank you

  42. MrSaboteur1000:

    YOU MEAN 1:42 RIGHT?

  43. cheerikyindian:

    Best part= Kootra Driving. Lol

  44. buddyrun007:

    kootra is a woman driver look right drive right dam the bridge haha

  45. Elfkidvanda:

    i can’t stop laughing when the people talk hahahaha

  46. coolstorybrosefful:

    Ladeda our way to victory *sings it in skyrim tone* LADE *FALLS* DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  47. MrBuzusima:

    Kootra are you drunk driver ?

  48. facuags:

    You help people and then steal their car. Seems legit.