Meet Martin))) Maine Coon


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14 комментариев на “Meet Martin))) Maine Coon”

  1. RM71063:

    он шикарен! сколько ему сейчас?

  2. Santasbestbuddy:

    he’s like a gorgeous fluffy Garfield. I like the skiffel Pink Panther variation …

  3. mbbronko:

    Einfach nur mega toller Kater…

  4. theskye101:

    I now want a Maine Coon but sadly I can’t get one if they shed to much 🙁

  5. WorstKitty:

    So sweet.

  6. KindTigra:

    Ginger coloured cats are THE best!!! ;)) — absolutely true statement!! 😉

  7. MaineShag55:

    I Love ANY Maine Coon Cat !

  8. nagmashdriver:

    Me too. Could not believe that my precious Rambo J. Pussycat (MC — grey tabby mix) was in the shelter for a full half year before I found him.


    OMG he’s beautiful!! Reminds me a little of mine, but mine has light green eyes ~ a little different body type etc ~ Maine Coons are AWESOME cats ;)) I adopted mine 6yrs ago when he was 6yrs old from the pound. I can’t believe someone didn’t want him….he’s so affectionate and lovely! Ginger coloured cats are THE best!!! ;))

  10. KindTigra:

    I’m Russian)))

  11. hindorsoso:

    omg ur an arabic prsn? o.o… me too! cool!

  12. slinkydinky999:

    He’s beautiful. Love Orange Maine Coons.

  13. KindTigra:

    Thank you! I adore him

  14. Dendomaciatko:

    I love orange maine coon cats! Nice one … 🙂