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Dick Figures — Panda Hat (Ep #2)

Subscribe! bit.ly YU NO PITCH IN FOR DICK FIGURES MOVIE?! kck.st Dick Figures Season Finale is here! Click or die. — bit.ly Dick Figures Season 3 Soundtrack out now — bit.ly Red got bar in a drunk and made a birthday party by him own self! Whooooooooooo! Dick Figures was created by Ed Skudder, who wrote, directed and voiced the episode along with Zack Keller. Dick Figures on Facebook tinyurl.com Dick Figures on Twitter twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com
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Red was soo drunk he imagined being a pimp without his hat. 0:42
even the gay way?
I can go all night baby imma nocturnal
Blue sucks Red ROCKS!!!!!!!
Drinking drinking drinking
Hey baby knock knock whos there sex sex who sex with me BOOM
the hat is back 0:50
I’m the one who pointed that out in the first place.
Damn guys dick figures is awesome. I watched every episode of it and it was AMAZING!!!!! The knock knock joke of red in the drunk mode is the best knock knock joke i ever heard. And also the reaction of that lady over reds drunk joke was cool too. Dick figures ROCKS!!!!!!!!
Imma nocturnal haha
Out of all the episodes, this one is still my top favorite.
Blue: I hate u
Red: Hahaha
Blue: I hate u so much
i like that knock knock joke
wat song is in the background when red is talkin to the toilet
Why does the raccoon sound like mario?
Every viewer should head to their Kickstarter page and donate at least $1, they are almost there!
Blue: It’s time to go dude. You’re making out with that toilet pretty hard.
Red: Your mom’s making out with that lamp post! Yeah! Hey you leave her out of this!
pause at 2:15 and look at reds smile… NIKE SYMBOL!! O_O
its a stall 🙂
first time red ever puked
Everyone, Please donate a dollar. 2 million people donating a dollar is way more then there needed 750,000, like this so people can see it.
We Are Running Out of Time to Have a Movie! (10 days Left)!
i wish it would be a full feature film
Yeah, may be beacause this is a hallucination