Girls FAIL Compilation 5


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25 комментариев на “Girls FAIL Compilation 5”

  1. Battleart:

    00:04 wow, she is… HOT XDD

  2. S1in9:

    8:52 fat fag

  3. anmad2:


  4. Dschausn:

    Thats what happens when girls come out from the kitchen

  5. YouAtWhere:

    When the dirt bike is starting to run from you, LET GO OF THE THROTTLE

  6. mrbrunse:

    3:10 what was she trying to do? Outdoor Pee XXXMovie?!

  7. VitaliyStepnoFF:

    @LastAgent123 и от этого ещё грустнее, бро…

  8. ArtikDubStep:

    Русские Палец вверх!!

  9. mdaher2017:

    Is the girl with the blue beach outfit drunk at the end??? LOL

  10. MisterPicture:

    @ozzirt Albert Einstein

  11. kfbgroup2:


  12. LastAgent123:

    10:14 сразу видно, что снято в России, я это понял еще до того,как обратил внимание на жигули

  13. WrightDeanna:

    Please don’t break it

  14. ozzirt:

    There are only two things that are seemingly infinite, The bounds of the universe and the stupidity of some people, and I can’t be real sure of the first.

  15. banner19821:

    Love these vids

  16. TurkicWolf:


  17. med1umgodlike75:

    i think this peoples die)))

  18. Scorpio110488:

    Fart on fire…. XD

  19. therealsticker:

    A REAL FRIEND AT 02:42

  20. thomaspeters1994:

    2 people are gay have thumbs down!

  21. lovaspanti1110:

    5:46 BAZD MEG

  22. Nibe19:

    Nice remix of «Yurima - River Flows In You» at the end.

  23. xxM1lhous3xx:

    Why didn’t the first girl just sit on the bed? -___-

  24. DJaz11:

    were half these video’s were filmed with a potato?

  25. TheXxspongbobxX:

    tity almost at 39 sec