スーパースローなねこ。-Super slow Maru.-


ハイスピードムービーによる撮影です。(わかりにくかったようなので、タイトル変えました。) By high speed movie of Casio. sisinmaru.blog17.fc2.com
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24 комментария на “スーパースローなねこ。-Super slow Maru.-”

  1. icedblue13:

    You and your cat are incredibly entertaining! Ellen Degeneres should bring you and Maru to the United States to be on her talkshow. You both would be well received! Keep taping!

  2. MorgaineTheWitch:

    Pause at 0:33 and you’ll get a wide smile from Maru. 😛

  3. cirko98:

    Nagyon gyönyörü és okos ez a cica!!!!!!

  4. Miri0mouse:

    I yawned xD

  5. zagnut36:

    that lasts one of Maru after a bath had me Dying lol

  6. MrCombineGuy:

    Why am I listening to death metal to this?

  7. amysshizzle:

    he looks like a DJ after his bath, so cute <3! :3

  8. dearme8088:

    LOL after shower s cute cute…

  9. akoolman1:

    The best is the blooper scene, when he realizes he is going down…

  10. AikouWolf:

    I love his expression when he falls down. So epic!

  11. CrouchinTiGa22212:

    time goes by….. so slowly

  12. christie2271:

    Awww! So cute! 🙂

  13. amnonimusX:

    I yawned when i read your comment about yawning (inception?)

  14. ShanaMelonBreadLover:

    what was wrong with maru’s paw after he took a shower? O_O

  15. yuzk2:

    dont think ive ever seen a cat yawn without licking their lips afterwards…

  16. Deliriousy:

    HAHA, i laughed super hard when maru failed. Too cute!

  17. filek1011:

    I yawned when I read your comment. :D

  18. Foloman1:

    because he’s worth it.

  19. massan2012:


  20. hillichee:

    He could also do a Toyota commercial.

  21. IornGamer:

    Dude chill out.. I didnt see the top comment coz I was commenting on my cell phone. Wow.. 

  22. Lawliet098:

    Maru becomes a rapper after his baths…

  23. TheMyBluntBlade:

    thumbs up if you want to copy the dude who has top comment any more?

  24. IornGamer:

    Thumbs up if you yawned at 0:32