5 Дек 2011г.

Ничего не происходит, это мои кошки
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кошка не знает, что с ним делать
Video Rating: 4 / 5

*** please turn the speaker down a little before greypaw appear oo*** there is a sound problem there. I’ll avoid it in the rest of the episodes. oh yer. Graypaw and Greypaw, sorry about that, didn’t realize it in subtitles. will try be careful in later episodes. weird the artist comment was not shown ^^ll but it’s ok. I’ll type it again. so ya! i have done a lot these months, really a lot! and achieved new things, made new friends. i’m happy : ) ! i’ll write more in the submission of epi 1 part 3 f. i’ll do that in a mins. love warriors ! ^_^ FQA. questions i recieved many times… Q. what program I use to animate? A. mostly Flash, Photoshop, Aftereffect. Q. are you a guy or a girl? A. I am a guy.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Video Rating: 0 / 5

Комментарии к записи Мой кошак поймал мыша…. отключены

котэ моется под краном новая версия синтетического водоотталкивающего покрытия
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Ловушка для кошек
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Ловушка для кошек

DOWNLOAD ALBUM AT WWW.BOONAA.COM — For bookings or other inquires contact boonaamohammed(at)gmail.com or www.boonaa.com Directed and Edited by Syd Woodward, Sound Design by Ray Muloin getgrounded.tv Cats and Dogs It’s kind of dumb… but ummm, I used to think that every time it rained an angel began to cry, And it made me sad to see emotions drip from the sky Ask me why and I’d tell you that I could see it coming from a mile But denial ain’t just a river, it attacks you inner child. But he had everything a boy could every want, Money, power, respect and fancy toys to flaunt, Guys wanted to be him, Girls wanted to meet him, He was a smooth criminal, lingo was never corny, The star of countless, classic ghetto stories Legendary general, controlled armies of lost souls Gangster and a gentleman locked in one soul, Survival was the only thing that he would ever know A product of society so where did we go… wrong Cause an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind, You pick at karma enough and she’ll stop by to say hi, I never knew which one came first, thunder or lighting, But as life takes you on a ride, the resemblance can be striking, Evil deeds resulting from a dysfunctional seed, Grew from poverty the streets is all he needs, Found comfort around pimps pushers and thugs, The only family that he ever showed true love, But could you blame him? I mean, idea plus conviction becomes reality, Oppressive systems creating another ghetto causality Just singing that same old
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Video Rating: 0 / 5

Комментарии к записи кошак и прикол отключены

Видео о том как наглый кот забрал печеньку
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Комментарии к записи Наглый котэ.mp4 отключены

Первый ролик сделанный на iPhone

Video Rating: 5 / 5