Самые смешные коты и кошки !
Дек 2011г.
Котяра сошел с ума)))
Не будите спящее животное, ибо сон — великое дело!!! Спят усталые собаки, кошки спят…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
In The First Of The Cat Poses When The Spine Is Curved Downward Inhale And Raise The Right Leg. Keeping Yourself As Stable As Possible Bend The Right Leg Back Creating As Much Of As Arch As Possible. The Sole Of Your Right Foot Should Be Pointing Towards And Parallel To The Neck Which Is Tilted Up. Hold. Exhale And Slowly Bring The Leg Back In To Position.Vyaghrasana Means The Tiger Pose. It Takes Its Name From The Stretches Performed By Cats When They Wake Up. Its Excellent For Both The Abdominal Muscles And The Spinal Nerves. It Is Also Very Good For Relieving Sciatica. And Apart From Imparting Great Muscle Tone This Along With The Cat Pose Is Very Beneficial For Pregnant Women And New Mothers. These Two Asanas Are The Easiest To Perform When One Is Pregnant Or Has Just Delivered A Child. Please Do Ensure That You Check With Your Doctor Before Attempting Them Though. Both The Tiger Pose And The Cat Poses Help Ease Stretch And Tone The Vaginal Passage After Delivery.www.shemaroo.com
Кот Бергамот прыгает на кровати, играясь с дождиком. Снято на NIKON D550 в HD)
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Кот спит, смешно высунув язык. Не реагирует ни на какие манипуляции со своим языком.
202 USA: CHUPACABRA Animal X travels to Puerto Rico to investigate the Chupacabra — a creature that sucks its victims dry of blood. There we speak to eyewitnesses who have encountered this terrifying beast. UK: ESSEX PANTHER And in Essex, England we meet residents who have had their county invaded by wild black panthers. Where did these Alien Big Cats come from and how dangerous are they? If one Big Cat expert is correct England is in for a serious problem. USA: PET DETECTIVES And finally, we look at the extraordinary tale about one of man’s most fatal diseases and the dogs that can diagnose it. They are our companions, our protection and often one of our best friends. But are dogs about to become the guardians of our health as well?
Video Rating: 4 / 5
ОНИ любят друг-друга:)) LOVE ACTUALLY
Video Rating: 5 / 5