Самые смешные коты и кошки !

Видео участвует в конкурсе «Ваши домашние животные» Your Pets. Спонсоры конкурса: https://www.facebook.com/clubvb.ru https://www.facebook.com/catsdogs4you ht…
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Лучшие видео/комиксы/приколы/анекдоты у нас в паблике: vk.com www.facebook.com Best humour of the internets. Follow us Подписывайтесь на обновления, да прибудет с Вами сила.
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This is хорошо #77 ПОДПИШИСЬ НА МОЙ КАНАЛ!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

They’re at it again in 2010. Happy Holidays from me and the animals of YouTube. Best wishes for 2011. Be a fan on facebook: facebook.com Follow on twitter: twitter.com Big thanks to EVERYONE who submitted videos of their pets. I wish I could have used them all!
Two Cats fighting and talking about their relatonship. Original Video: by mkass84 ‘Senile Talking Cat!’- www.youtube.com Captions: by UD51 — www.urbandistrict51.com This is the first Video with Subtitle…As you could see, many people uploaded this video with similar subtitles… People with no inteligence and originality to to create original subtitles had to copy us. Thank you for showing us that we are awesome and our creativity is superior than yours. Knowing that many people out there want to be like us brings tears of joy in our eyes… Thank you people that have no creativity and need to copy us, thank you for showing that we are great
Video Rating: 4 / 5
I DO NOT OWN THIS SONG. OWNED BY RATATAT. & yes, I do make song requests. Enjoy. :] Comment & Rate.
Video Rating: 4 / 5