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Dollizzyous Toetje en Dollizzyous Minoes giving hugs to my boyfriend… NO CATNIP! This kitten now 2 years old is still hugging and not only my boyfriend! Me too!
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At 7 weeks old the 4 kittens are starting to investigate their outside enclosure. Tula is keeping a very close eye on them to make sure they don’t get into too much trouble and can find their way back to their balcony box, and house, up the sloping path. Tula has to work quite hard when all 4 kittens go for a walk as you can see by her carrying the kittens around during this clip. Watch this space for future updates on this adorable little family, who are getting much more inquisitive about their outside enclosure. Video taken by Jackie Thomas at WHF
TWEET VIDEO: bit.ly GET POSTER! bit.ly BEHINDtheSCENES: bit.ly COMMENTARY: bit.ly SUBSCRIBE: bit.ly BlackBoxTV Presents: «Cat Got Your Tongue?» Description: Julia Anderson has never let herself run free. But tonight, her two best friends hope to change that forever. BLACKBOXTV LINKS: iPhone App bit.ly Facebook on.fb.me Twitter bit.ly Website bit.ly T-Shirts/Merchandise bit.ly Poster bit.ly Ustream bit.ly What is BlackBoxTV? BlackBoxTV is a Horror, Science Fiction and Thriller web series that features stand-alone, scripted episodes inspired by «The Twilight Zone» «Outer Limits» «Tales from The Crypt» «Goosebumps» «Are You Afraid of the Dark?» «Alfred Hitchcock Presents» «Tales From The Darkside» and the works of Stephen King, Wes Craven, Ray Bradbury, HP Lovecraft, John Carpenter, Richard Kelly and more. If you are interested in ghosts, vampires, demons, zombies, time travel, poltergeists, aliens, were-cats, serial killers, memory loss, parallel dimensions, and surprise endings then BlackBoxTV is the series for you. In our BlackBoxTV Live episodes we recap our visits to haunted locations across the United States. These Ghost Hunts have taken us to locations like: The Villisca Axe Murder House, The Haunted Queen Mary, The Haunted Horton Hotel, and a Haunted Hotel in Georgia. These events are non scripted and originally are broadcast live at www.ustream.tv Description Tags: «horror movies» «horror movies 2011» «horror movies 2010» «horror films» «scary stories» «scary movies …
Video Rating: 4 / 5