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Cute and annoying kitten

So fluffy and so noisy! This is a video of one of my cats (Spike) when he was only three months old with my then boyfriend. Spike is 3 years and 8 months old now and still fluffy and noisy!
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That’s just adorable ^^
I love that «frrrrr» sound that they make when they feel happy!
He really loved your shoulder 🙂
@beastdude yes but he/she must wear a tiny pirate hat :)
aw man…i wanna kitten soooo bad now 🙁
daw!!! <3
sooooooooo cute…love that baby…adorable……
3:48 sounds like he is saying YEY
at the begginig when he first moews it like hes saying STROKE ME!!!!!
I, I Want To Jump But I Can’t!!! So I Will… MEOW!!! lol Aww x
@2432448123 My Cat Hated Everyone Apart From Me And My Mum And I Mean He REALLY Hated Everyone!!! Lol It Was Funny When A Grown Man Was Scared Of Him!!! lol x
is that Vinny from Jersey Shore?
@2432448123 i had a cat that was like a devil (only sometimes though) and her name was angel (ironically) i have a beautiful cat now like this cat……..did you choose your cat or did it choose you?
It sounds like it is saying mew, like from pokemon. Can I buy your cat?
i want cat like yours, becouse my cat is devil 🙁
i don’t no why :((((((
A splendid kitten indeed and very very cute! Thanks for posting such a funny video!
help. help todd!
You should have kept the boyfriend. He was really nice to the kitten :-).
Very very cute kitten =^^=
awww he wants u to hold him XDDD
thats so good there is still such carefull and nice people like this men. you made me feel better 🙂
igual que mi gatito bello.son muy tiernos