Cat Herders


EDS Cat herding

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25 комментариев на “Cat Herders”

  1. Dsoft200:

    This is so wierd and wonderful, I love it!

  2. RigelsOverlord:

    I can never get enough of this video!
    Make all the time to watch!

    Amazing! Awesome! It never ends!

    Love you for it!

  3. astrozombies13:


  4. Tuggs2010:

    I tried to re-enact this commercial with my frisky felines. After 50 yards of gauze bandages and a bottle of iodine I can honestly say that cats DON’T like water.

  5. RigelsOverlord:

    AWESOME! Best Video Ever! I love this! THANK YOu for IT

  6. Wolfen443:

    Hilarious ad, why do they do not make them like that anymore?.

  7. mrsbieber533:

    awwh! they said «If you bring a herd into town, and havnt lost one of them, its not a feeling in the world!» I WOULD BE HEART BROKEN IF I LOST ONE OF MY CATS! D’,:

  8. TheSamuel1270:

    «No one can do what we do» !!!! ….hahahahaha. Absolutely right ! well done cat herders….yeeee…haaa…

  9. mrsbieber533:

    OMG ITS SO ADORIBLE…… I ALMOST CRIED WHEN THE DUDE CARRIED THE TWO CATS ACROSS THE RIVER…I have 2 cats and there long haired…we kinda did that on horses only they rode with me and my sister

  10. cAtKitty47:

    That is creative genius! I don’t know how this video was made but it is cool … and done in the spirit of humor.

  11. ZENUDIE:

    I aspire to be these men.

    Im going to the University of Mexican Cat Herding in Ethiopia to learn how.

  12. UTAOUB:

    Interesting commercial — kept you wondering what it was for, all the way through — then at the end, the message made sense!  Meow….very good and entertaining!
    (Mew, Mew — I like it!)

  13. akatsukicat77:

    i wish i could be a cat herder

  14. straygypsy:

    Nothing new…
    Everyone knows cowboys get tons of pussy…

  15. kilkolio:


  16. DrHojo123:

    reminds me of dwarf fortress

  17. themkelly:


  18. OrganCat:

    Where do I sign up?

  19. WinterHaven:

    In China they eat them. 

  20. Ghostgirl777:

    I crept into their camp a few years back and got me an adorable little kitten. She’s a feisty little rascal.

  21. Itzpower:

    I salute you, cat herders.

  22. ratskimnc:

    OH MY GOSH!….I LOVE IT!! super cuteeeeeeeeeeee!!

  23. Mortis:

    One of the best commercials of all time!

  24. IIAOPSW:

    @richmcl [sarcasm]yes, clearly atheists are like cats that cant be (mis)lead properly. of course.[/sarcasm][snide] the only thing more difficult is directing those with their heads in the sand.[/snide]

  25. TheAlliswell:

    popecorky, get real, you fundamental christians are turning more of us away from your dogmatic crap, the person who posted «cat herders» has more spiritually in his little finger than you «Bible Thumpers» can ever hope too. «I HAVE SPOKEN»