Farcry 2 w/ Kootra Ep. 6 «Bridge Assassination»


Remember to send over a like and such, it helps the cats hunting for the Jackal…..he is clever. Here I am playing through Farcry 2 in preparation for Farcry 3. I have played through this game at least 10 times on xbox, including Infamous difficulty. So this should be good.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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50 комментариев на “Farcry 2 w/ Kootra Ep. 6 «Bridge Assassination»”

  1. Sparkleeh:

    Well his name is PedobearSlurpington

  2. TheGameTeddy:

    Why exactly does the dude stab his leg after he nearly died?

  3. belac192:

    co op in this game would be amazing

  4. doc4ock7:

    Hes a grown man! relax people!

  5. starfox991:

    why didn’t you use the sawed off after you died? that would have been more useful

  6. DarkSpectersBlade:

    The 7 dislikes were all the people who unsubed because kootra said «screwed».

  7. Liam Villarreal:

    If you mean when he said «Screwed me over» that is one of the only words he will say so its not really a bad word to him.

  8. sparten593:

    In case you wonder what you had to do. You needed to interogate the guy not kill him

  9. dasvicable10:

    Did anyone notice the tree swaying in the air when he was waiting for the SUV to pass

  10. momor06:

    I missed it, what’d he say?

  11. YomamasGaming:

    What? and when?

  12. TehUtlimatePlantPot:

    I won’t unsub but I WILL slap him and say»Naughty Kootra!

  13. SushiSword:

    dont even think they know each other and woody does totally diffrent stuff from the creatures.

  14. Lmfaoyeah:

    Why would he do that? Guys a faggot.

  15. hijack80:

    Kootra, when you get your hands on FC3.
    DEW IT

  16. loooolllzzman12:

    Well its obviously important so I guess we should all unsub from him.

  17. TheStickman482:


  18. Tomahawk894:

    and what was that then?

  19. kubamakar22:

    You were supposed to take his ledger . He was going to help you . And you think it’s your buddy fault …

  20. MisterNBG:

    at gun point? Did he hurt you! D:<

  21. GamesSpartan:

    ? Real mature…

  22. Way2Hot4Y0u:

    you say he’s name the way its written. its JOSIP like sayng YO and then sip josip :)))

  23. MrTroninator:

    you weren’t supposed to kill him you dumb :3

  24. AlmightyAnton:

    farcry 1 was awesome!

  25. PedobearSlurpington:

    GamesSpartan shove a 2 meter dildo up yo ass

  26. sylgar45:

    Jeana is really annoying with the cat, it’s not a baby for freaking sake, it’s an animal ! And probably close to the wildest you can legally get, stop being stupid cause I’m sorry but you are sometimes

  27. Camandkiley:

    I yawned

  28. Lp4life4:

    I yawned

  29. Tindessa:

    so nylah can eat plastic?! what if that plastic spoon is broken?

  30. TGiggityGusT:

    I yawned when I read your comment

  31. pwoo124:

    You guys have alot of bugs in your house haha

  32. sweetsue24:

    And I posted it now. U Mad Bro?

  33. Tnbradford:

    and your a little late. I posted this like four days ago.

  34. sweetsue24:

    Actually, she is her human mother, therefore she takes care of Nylah. Yeah, you fail harder, than your father did with a condom.

  35. MrSnacob:

    i like how ur telling her thats illegal when u have video camera in a movie theatre…

  36. sahonners:

    I yawned! 😀 lol

  37. Amanda Elgamal:

    I think you should definitely read the next two books, they are so unpredictable and I absolutely love the story . I actually cried my eyes out when it ended and I have never read a book that affected me like that.

  38. DubGamingFTW:

    Yawns are contagious because when someone yawns, and you see it your brain can’t decide wether its you or them yawning, so you yawn aswell it’s sort of a flaw in the brain. :3

  39. Cindyyy1014:

    I yawned right before you said that LOL 🙂

  40. luxraylover1234:

    lol Jeana «I don’t want her to actually TOUCH it!»

  41. TheAndyLouie:


  42. x0Demyx0x:

    My cats are always eating flies……Of every kind.

  43. lm5kill:

    looooool i yawned……

  44. vanessa19436:

    Me too I yawn

  45. lindseymeg1:

    I did indeed yawn… you magician o.O

  46. SecrettLoverz09:

    cats are the curiest little cridooooors lol

  47. IMaxwell727:

    i yawned when i read this

  48. xXxXTeAmEdWaRdXxXx:

    i sneak in candy all the time into the movies, because candy at the theatres are sooo expensive.

  49. Sean10FI:

    Stop babying the cat jeana shes a freaking cat she eats worse things than a bug!!

  50. party5779:

    shes a cat why cant she eat it