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Farcry 2 w/ Kootra Ep. 6 «Bridge Assassination»

Remember to send over a like and such, it helps the cats hunting for the Jackal…..he is clever. Here I am playing through Farcry 2 in preparation for Farcry 3. I have played through this game at least 10 times on xbox, including Infamous difficulty. So this should be good.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Well his name is PedobearSlurpington
Why exactly does the dude stab his leg after he nearly died?
co op in this game would be amazing
Hes a grown man! relax people!
why didn’t you use the sawed off after you died? that would have been more useful
The 7 dislikes were all the people who unsubed because kootra said «screwed».
If you mean when he said «Screwed me over» that is one of the only words he will say so its not really a bad word to him.
In case you wonder what you had to do. You needed to interogate the guy not kill him
Did anyone notice the tree swaying in the air when he was waiting for the SUV to pass
I missed it, what’d he say?
What? and when?
I won’t unsub but I WILL slap him and say»Naughty Kootra!
dont even think they know each other and woody does totally diffrent stuff from the creatures.
Why would he do that? Guys a faggot.
Kootra, when you get your hands on FC3.
Well its obviously important so I guess we should all unsub from him.
and what was that then?
You were supposed to take his ledger . He was going to help you . And you think it’s your buddy fault …
at gun point? Did he hurt you! D:<
? Real mature…
you say he’s name the way its written. its JOSIP like sayng YO and then sip josip :)))
you weren’t supposed to kill him you dumb :3
farcry 1 was awesome!
GamesSpartan shove a 2 meter dildo up yo ass
Jeana is really annoying with the cat, it’s not a baby for freaking sake, it’s an animal ! And probably close to the wildest you can legally get, stop being stupid cause I’m sorry but you are sometimes
I yawned
I yawned
so nylah can eat plastic?! what if that plastic spoon is broken?
I yawned when I read your comment
You guys have alot of bugs in your house haha
And I posted it now. U Mad Bro?
and your a little late. I posted this like four days ago.
Actually, she is her human mother, therefore she takes care of Nylah. Yeah, you fail harder, than your father did with a condom.
i like how ur telling her thats illegal when u have video camera in a movie theatre…
I yawned! 😀 lol
I think you should definitely read the next two books, they are so unpredictable and I absolutely love the story . I actually cried my eyes out when it ended and I have never read a book that affected me like that.
Yawns are contagious because when someone yawns, and you see it your brain can’t decide wether its you or them yawning, so you yawn aswell it’s sort of a flaw in the brain. :3
I yawned right before you said that LOL 🙂
lol Jeana «I don’t want her to actually TOUCH it!»
My cats are always eating flies……Of every kind.
looooool i yawned……
Me too I yawn
I did indeed yawn… you magician o.O
cats are the curiest little cridooooors lol
i yawned when i read this
i sneak in candy all the time into the movies, because candy at the theatres are sooo expensive.
Stop babying the cat jeana shes a freaking cat she eats worse things than a bug!!
shes a cat why cant she eat it