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Lio — Cybil’s Meow and Flimflamming with Fido

RingTales presents a Lio animated cartoon. Lio is the hit internationally syndicated comic strip created by Mark Tatulli featuring the wordless macabre adventures of a young boy and his giant squid. In Cybil’s Meow, Lio gets up early for breakfast. In Flimflamming with Fido, Lio works for the grade.
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Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Lio has some amazing pets! He also has a cobra, a giant squid, and a lobster!
Clearly, you have never had a cat, or you would know that cats quite thoroughly enjoy making their pet humans do extra work for their pleasure and amusement. XD
(on NewTRAILERS) He’s both stupid AND immature. Not a very good combination, eh?
Lio is the character of Limbo.
this was stupid and pointless
Bitch please.
Everyone in the class is left handed.
I love lio to pieces, but am unsurprised that his dad is a bit of a dag!
Perhaps the opportunity would have been better used to give some insightful commentary or criticism regarding the video instead of wasted announcing which comment # it was, since YouTube commenting isn’t a race?
I don’t get the second one at all
The cat should just have taken the time to learn how to use a can opener instead of the big speaker thingy
Wish I had that spider…
lmao stupid kid.
i want that cat
wish i had that spider
it’s 1st, just to let you know
1th… as always
They’re like… rogue and ferals at the same time :o invincible!
wtf cats where is wow faggs
Cmeeere kitty kitty kitty..Kiiiiiittty..Cmere…
Dude your kitties are awesome just like you 😀
You should be a hunter =P
so griffles ran away
Dang those legs are harrie :P
Dat griffles’ like Anivia. Friggin ninja kill a target then get the heck outa there
Glad i subbed a kind dude like you man.Gonna watch ur livestreams when i can 😛
Yeah the first part is essentially true, but the other cats, Tiger, Bagheera, Quito, and Elliot are all safe and happy in LA with my parents 🙂
Some ran away and he didn’t take em with him when he moved
what happened to them?
Just like his daddy! LOL
You could have so much potential on reddit….
My freaken heart.
what happen to them ? 🙁
2 people cant affored a cat —__—
Your cats are adorable :3
i love watching every video from Bajheera , it always makes me happy (liked the vid)
whoever disliked this has no heart
Birds, eagles. Same thing! 😛
Yeah but birds don’t do that haha.
Was it Griffles then? I just remember you saying in one of your vlogs that you let one of them out and they just never came back.