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Bajheera — Season 10 3v3 Arena — Kitty Cleave with Sacredheals & Arthero!:D #2

More 3v3 Arena matches as Kitty Cleave with Sacredheals and Arthero!:D Sacredheals’ channel: www.youtube.com Intro Music by Wretched: www.facebook.com Video music by Klaypex!:D — www.youtube.com
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What’s the name of the playerbars you have?
hey bro, nice videos, whats the combat action addons your using for the crits and stuff it looks smooth
The 1st Bajheera Video ive seen was WE’RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT from the TB WORLD PVP!! IT WAS EPIC!! Still love this vids
What addon is Bajheera using that desplays debuff on their nameplates?
Ty Ty
lol…»im popping reck cause im already sick of it»
protatoechip <3
hahaha i replayed 1:15 so many times xD
bajheera! you are the reason i am levelling a warrior i wanna pvp with it but im having a hard time currently. i am level 61 and am having a hard time grasping all the abilities of a warrior any advice for a newbie warrior? any way you can make a current macros/priority videos for your fans who need some help thanks! ps you’re the man!!
The one that dara mactire had about shadowplay yesterday. he gave you a lot of praise and was ver nice
Hell yeah dude!:D I’m really enjoying playing with these guys:)
Thats one awsome feral :3
poppin’ reck cause you’re already sick of it.
Gladius, NiceDamage and Tidyplates
See if you can get Cliper to play with you 😀 that would be fucking amazing 😀
Be my boyfriend… no homo…
List of addons?
You should consider recording some 3v3s with Sacredheals and Selfserve on your team : the closest to paradise I could be 🙂
Can’t always shred a target, I know he uses shred.
o ok thanks =D
Actually it’s Tidy Plates, which has several different templates you can use one of which is called Tiny Plates
TROLL KING YEAH!!!!! XD jk i liked it. lol
its called «tiny plates» 🙂