Dead Island Co-Op w/ Kootra, Nova and SSoHPKC Part 39


Don’t forget to leave a Like and such guys! Click here for the Dead Island Playlist: Seamus, James, Sp00n, and myself play the Dead Island Co-Op. The game is actually pretty stable for being a 4 player game, which surprised me. Creature Cats. Nova: Sp00n: ssohpkc:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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46 комментариев на “Dead Island Co-Op w/ Kootra, Nova and SSoHPKC Part 39”

  1. 123sambee321:

    Cause they completed it

  2. oppositeofme1:

    the moment when you find the perfect picture for @1:08, but you cant show the people of youtube…it involves the meme, «It’s a trap!» and it has a kitteh. 🙂 google that beast

  3. CAsniper101:

    corner wasn’t a bad place 2 be

  4. TheAsianG4mer:


  5. explodingnachos1:


  6. knlei1:

    oh the hammer can be electrified,
    aw i already modded it,
    whats it now
    a weighted hammer
    whats it consist of
    a weight lmaoo

  7. knlei1:

    kootra, how u gonna use a knife against a gun

  8. MyCycloner:

    Wow =0 U rock , kootra =D you really pro in this =D

  9. Jerbod2:


  10. DJAssasin17:

    09:23 thumbs up if u think Kootra sounded like raiden from mortal kombat

  11. jakejpdawson1:

    Are you actually blind there was a collectable right in front of you !!

  12. ultimatewerewolflord:

    you just brought a knife to a gun fight

  13. bakerj689:

    kootra this is yor best series sooo far why stoppp?!?!?!
    pls pls pls make more!!!!

  14. MegaZombiekiller9:

    you guys kick ass 😀 you guys should name yourself ZOMBIE BUSTERS or duke nuken >:D kick ass and chew bubble gum >:D i love duke nuken 😀 you guys should play it it is awsome so much boobs >:D

  15. gabrielokafor:

    Shut up! How fucking old are you!

  16. limeade1220:

    More dead island

  17. mw2rocks02:

    i want more videos

  18. mw2rocks02:

    7:35 do u see that window kootra thats the gun shop

  19. Becca300:

    if you use skill points in survival, your health will get better.

  20. XxWr0B31xX24:

    when u leave ill take ur spot as….sp0rk

  21. skyler5230:

    koora your anFAT ASS HOLE

  22. skyler5230:

    butt not nova
    hes cool not like you ass hole

  23. skyler5230:

    or i will find you kootra and kill you

  24. skyler5230:

    make more dead island or i will kill my brother and then my dad

  25. asdfmanization:

    4:33 EPIC FACE :D

  26. xcupkate:

    i just wanted to say i love youu guys <3 and you guys are so cute together. BUT! i was supposed to watch lucky number sleven & i got distracted on your channel, paused the movie & ended up watching like 4683678 vlogs. gaaaaaah! lol keep em coming 🙂

  27. TheKRAZYboy123:

    From 1:00 to 1:32 cracked me up! I don’t know why but I was literally LMAO for 30 seconds!!!

  28. amir2811:

    I feel bad for those cats. Imagine being locked up in a really small cage for god knows how long

  29. jessiereviews:

    Omg my target is exactly like yours

  30. jessiereviews:

    I live in nj

  31. 1Joeballs:

    Jesse wears the cone of shame. 😛

  32. epiccrafter1:

    The mouse is like a robot at 1:16 thumbs up if you think the mouse is like a robot

  33. mathiass1000:

    i have to tell that this girl is a very beautiful woman. And shes funny and shit.

  34. 702Rider:

    I’ve wanted to adopt a cat forever. I have a ferret and they always put the ferret stuff RIGHT next to the adoptable cats and they always make me sad cause I wanna take them home hahaha. That Gerbil was trippin!

  35. samthesuperman1000:

    there was an video you guys put getting pizza and made me hungry so i ordered some 🙂

  36. chabella123:

    me too!! :(( I wanted to cry. but then i realised that I cant change it.I just think it is W R O N G! Cat nails?? Ppl out there really are greedy grumble ****! Stupid companies!!

  37. chabella123:

    you guys know the answer to that. 🙂 Cat nails?? Give me a break.:)

  38. sysZee:

    That gerbil reminded me of towlie from south park. LAWL

  39. maciversavannah:

    here is my hanle thats it lol

  40. Boomheadshot471:

    That gerbel got into my dank bud 😀

  41. sinumse10:

    so this is how they got the idea to «The advengers»!

  42. chaspears22:

    in bed….. 3:35

  43. Grazk:

    fucked up store, thats no way to keep cats they need MUCH more room ffs, breaks my heart

  44. celticschampions:

    damn the rat is high as fuck lol

  45. ethan blackburn:

    those nail things are amazing for cats

  46. raphael EX MACHINA:

    EPIC FAIL JEANA 8:21 !!!!!!!LOL