Самые смешные коты и кошки !
5 Дек 2011г.
Two professional engineers illustrate the proper care and practical benefits of cats. None of the cats, humans, or engineers were mistreated in the making of this film. They were however, slightly annoyed. T-shirts and other goodies available at: www.cafepress.com «Art Critic» music is Mozart «Requiem, Rex Tremendae» and song on ending credits is called «Sparky’s New Bike» both from Shockwave-sound.com royalty free music website.
With cats, it’s not always about how you play the game. Find me on facebook: www.facebook.com twitter: twitter.com Thanks to ChannelCandC for supplying the video of their awesome kitty, Columbus: www.youtube.com Original video: www.youtube.com
Просто нашёл в сети и содрал.Напомнило моего катафея ,который полюбляет ловить летучих мышей,но боиЦа (дико) людей….
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Домашние любимцы, смешное видео.
Check out a Lioness and White Tiger in the Tiger Splash arena having fun at Out of Africa Wildlife Park www.outofafricapark.com (Camp Verde, Arizona near Sedona)
Video Rating: 4 / 5
収納ケースが入っていた箱です。This is the big box which a plastic case was in. sisinmaru.blog17.fc2.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Котэ вызывает дъявола- сатанинский кошачий ритуал This cat calls to Devil))))
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www.simonscat.com — A curious cat investigates an empty cardboard box.
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If you like this video.. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!! (THANKS! :))Burnsy is my kitten that I adopted from the Calgary Humane society. He will plead his case when he wants to sleep in! And he absolutely LOVES watching this video and will rub up against the monitor and nudge it whenever I play it for him. He’ll be 3 years old in June 08
Video Rating: 4 / 5