27 Июн 2012г.

This documentary features a Bengal tiger re-wilding project started by John Varty in 2000. This project involves training captive-bred Bengal tiger cubs by their human trainers so that the tigers can regain their predatory instincts. Once they prove that they can sustain themselves in the wild, they would be released into the wilderness of Africa to fend for themselves. Their trainers, John Varty and Dave Salmoni (big-cat trainer and zoologist), have to teach them how to stalk, to hunt, and, most importantly, to associate hunting with food. All rights belong to Discovery Communications, Inc
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Пользуясь тем, что я болел, она нанюхалась мази «Золотая Звезда» и вот так ее штырило после этого :DDDD Оказывается, у кошек тоже бывают истерики
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Комментарии к записи My neko-chan ^^ отключены

Развлекательный портал lol54.ru — только отборные ништяки!

Video Rating: 4 / 5