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Mommy cat gets huggy huggy with baby cat : ) The video was originally uploaded by dragomirnet86 Watch Original Cat Mom video: bit.ly ************************************* MAIN CHANNEL: www.youtube.com WARTUBE TV CHANNEL: www.youtube.com ************* FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com TWITTER:: twitter.com Cat mom hugs baby kitten Cat mom hugs baby kitten Cat mom hugs baby kitten
Video Rating: 2 / 5
Grab the Baby Monkey iPhone game! itunes.apple.com You can see the original video here: www.youtube.com The Baby Monkey video is property of Akihiro Nihonmatsu. Used here by kind permission. If you are interested in using this clip, please contact Akihiro Nihonmatsu through his YouTube user account here: www.youtube.com
This Is How You Lock Your Fingers. Now Place The Locked Fingers Behind Your Neck. And Try And Push Your Elbows As Far Back As They Will Go. This Is Very Good For The Thoracic Vertebrae. www.shemaroo.com

The cat takes exception to the playful baby, and sucker punches her half a dozen times. She was a little stunned, but survived.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
thanks to dailypicksandflicks.com for being the first to write about this video and to reddit.com for making it viral. And for all nice comments as well. lots of comments on video, cant read them all but a lot are spam and nasty — thats why they are now disabled, sorry.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
www.simonscat.com — A sleepy kitten wants a cuddle