Самые смешные коты и кошки !

Got to come home from work early and Bagheera was happy to see me This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
This is a video of my dog being groomed by one of my cats; they love each other too much.BUY MY BOOKS HERE: Snapshots In Time Buy it at Amazon www.amazon.com The Book Depository. (Free shipping worldwide) www.bookdepository.com BUY MY LATEST BOOK HERE: How To Survive An Alien Abduction And Other Useful Information www.amazon.com Barnes & Noble productsearch.barnesandnoble.com The Book Depository. (Free shipping worldwide) www.bookdepository.com Australia www.thenile.com.au UK www.amazon.co.uk
unfortunately this cat and movie are not mine I have two other CAT vids on my channel!
Rat loves cat… cat tolerates rat. A really cute interspecies relationship My rat, Peanut, follows Ranj around everywhere! She gives him kisses and hugs. THANKS FOR THE FEATURE YOUTUBE EDITORS!!!
Music: «Sock Hop» by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)