Самые смешные коты и кошки !
Спасибо всем за коменты и лайки! Прошу прощения если какие-то коменты были удалены в процессе (сорри но я не фанат ненормативной лексики и некоторых ассоциац…
In this episode, Sylvester the talking kitty cat wants out of the house. After his owner (Steve Cash) gives in and opens the front door, the kitty runs away. After a few days, Steve finds out that Sylvester has been locked up at the pound. He never learns. Flaggle Claggle.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Oh, it’s someones birthday alright!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Sylvester (The talking Kitty Cat) and Gibson (Half kitten half cat) seem to be getting on each other’s nerves, while Shelby (The dog) is just in the way. In this episode, we learn that Todd’s identity is close to being revealed. Flaggle Claggle by Stevecash83
Watch this video on my site www.lisae.me.uk for product links, tips and more info. This is the look I did for Una Healy from the girl band ‘The Saturdays’ for their Glamour Magazine shoot. After posting all five images of the girls on my blog I had a ton of requests from readers asking me to re-create their favourite make-up look. A week ago I added up the votes and, although it was very close, Una’s look pipped the others to the post. As well as demonstrating my way of drawing on a perfect winged liquid liner there are also lots of tips on achieving a gorgeous clean base and glowy skin. To see all five looks, check out my blog. Hope you like this look X
Video Rating: 4 / 5
After Sylvester the talking cat finds himself in addiction, Steve refuses to give into his requests for more drugs. At the same time, the little kitten named Gibson is stuck with a one word vocabulary. «Help», is all he knows how to say. Flaggle Claggle because I said so.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Новый выпуск игры
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Мы(т.е хозяева) прикалываемся над котом по имени Буцук, разговаривая с ним.. а он нам отвечает!!! 0:41 смотреть и слушать обязательно!
Video Rating: 2 / 5
Крол и собака на кресле, и спящий кот. Видео про то, как он НЕ реагирует на дебильные резкие звуки
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Day 13 Add me as a friend on facebook www.facebook.com If u don’t want to add as friend, Like my page on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow me on Twitter twitter.com Ask me anything on FormSpring formspring.me jonathan joly vlog vlogs vlogging dublin ireland anna saccone thestylediet leflooftv cork talking cats swimming dogs walking jonathanjoly breakfast dinner reallife reality
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Sylvester the talking kitty cat has some information that he isn’t willing to share. Gibson isn’t helping matters much either, as Steve makes every attempt to please the kitty cats in exchange for the revelation of Todd.
be-amazed.net Odd, Bizarre, Intersting daily
Video Rating: 3 / 5