Самые смешные коты и кошки !

USA: SKUNK APE For more than one hundred and fifty years there have been reports of a half man, half ape-type creature stalking remote areas of Florida. Could these parts be home to a secret species — one that goes by the name of the Swamp or Skunk Ape? Animal X travels to the Big Cypress National Preserve and the small settlement of Ochopee in the Florida Everglades to investigate. USA: ANIMAL EMOTIONS Do animals experience emotions? Animal X looks at a number of examples where animals appear to demonstrate very human emotions, including the compassionate dog that has rescued over 700 stray and injured cats in New York. The world’s leading Animal Emotions expert Professor Jeffrey Masson gives an amazing insight into the minds of the creatures that we share our lives with. UK & Australia: FROG AND FISH FALLS Animal X investigates one of the world’s strangest natural occurrences — animals that fall from the sky with the rain. We speak to eyewitnesses who have experienced showers of fishes and talk to some of the worlds leading experts in an attempt to solve the mystery of this puzzling phenomenon. There are stranger things in heaven and earth and you’ll see them on Animal X
1) Egypt : CAT CULT (DUR: 7’51) Throughout the ages the cat has been cursed as a demon by some and venerated in other periods as a deity. Nowhere was the cat more revered than in Ancient Egypt. The Ancient Egyptians are credited with domesticating felines 5000 years ago. Its thought that all cats in Europe are descendants from the Egyptian’s pets. But the cat wasn’t just a respected member of the household it was a goddess. Bastet or Bast as she is also known was the cat goddess. She was the goddess of love, joy and fertility. Her name was found in one of the pyramids of Giza. It’s believed that she was protector of the North of Egypt. She also guarded the body of the kings. At Bubastis, 80 kilometres North-east of Cairo archaeologists discovered a vast necropolis containing mummified cats. Thirteen temples dedicated to the cat were also found there. At Bubastis, Bast was celebrated with huge festivals. Even today there are still followers of Bast. Animal X obtained exclusive home video of the cat cult in California. Hundreds or perhaps even more follow the ancient teachings and give offerings to Bast, just as they did thousands of years ago. 2) Australia : ALIEN ANIMALS (DUR: 6’19) Many people believe we have been visited by alien beings from other planets … so is it possible that they sometimes travel with their inter-galactic pets? Animal X investigates strange tales from Australia which suggest that earth is now home to alien animals which have been brought here …
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My incredibly (freakishly) patient cat, Bosn, stoically enduring the affections of my daughter, Laurelin. (and before you get into your «poor kitty»s, realise that he approached her and laid down next to her, knowing from experience that this sort of loving mauling would follow)
Video Rating: 4 / 5

202 USA: CHUPACABRA Animal X travels to Puerto Rico to investigate the Chupacabra — a creature that sucks its victims dry of blood. There we speak to eyewitnesses who have encountered this terrifying beast. UK: ESSEX PANTHER And in Essex, England we meet residents who have had their county invaded by wild black panthers. Where did these Alien Big Cats come from and how dangerous are they? If one Big Cat expert is correct England is in for a serious problem. USA: PET DETECTIVES And finally, we look at the extraordinary tale about one of man’s most fatal diseases and the dogs that can diagnose it. They are our companions, our protection and often one of our best friends. But are dogs about to become the guardians of our health as well?
Video Rating: 4 / 5