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BBC TV Alun Davies-guitar Larry Steele-bass.
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Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com Sn4tchbuckl3r’s reunion with a recovering guildie begins to unravel Peopleburg’s deepest, darkest secrets.
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Cat Stevens performs «The Foreigner Suite» in its entirety on ABC In Concert — 11/09/73 Clips from same concert: Father & Son: www.youtube.com Wild World: www.youtube.com Morning Has Broken: www.youtube.com 18th Avenue: www.youtube.com Moonshadow/Teaser cartoon: www.youtube.com King Of Trees: www.youtube.com A Bad Penny www.youtube.com The Hurt: www.youtube.com The Foreigner Suite: www.youtube.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

CAT STEVENS chansonsoubliees.over-blog.com voir aussi www.youtube.com
Thnx for touching so many hearts & souls with your Beautiful Music. Cat Stevens BBC Bitter Blue
Miles From Nowhere, played live by Cat Stevens, on Earth Tour 1976 www.lastfm.pt
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Cat Stevens plays Peace Train live on his Earth Tour, 1976 requested by Jashar1984. =) www.lastfm.pt